21 West End
New York City

Optical Animal was comissioned to design original video art and build a permanent projection solution for Luci, a 600 square-foot sculpture located at the brand new 21 West End Apartments in NYC.

The sculpture, designed by iCrave and fabricated by UAP, spans the first two stories of the building's lobby entrance, and is comprised of thousands of individual pieces of projection-ready vellum. The system utilizes 4 permanently installed projectors to illuminate the sculpture on all sides, and is built around a bespoke, user-friendly control software.

The design process for the projection content presented a unique challenge for us to form a link between the digital art and the physical architecture of the space. We took that opportunity to expand on themes established by recurring elements in the interior design, such as elongated hexagonal shapes, circular pools of light, and reflective metal. We developed a series of new work with the shared intention of carrying those design elements seamlessly from the physical realm into the digital, opening up possibilities to breathe new life and energy into the art of architectural interior design.